Wednesday, October 14, 2009


    Fiji (sometimes called the Fiji Islands), is a Melanesian country in the South Pacific Ocean. It lies about two-thirds of the way from Hawaii to New Zealand and consists of an archipelago that includes 332 islands, a handful of which make up most of the land area, and approximately 110 of which are inhabited. Fiji has an interesting blend of Melanesian, Polynesian, Micronesian, Indian, Chinese and European influences. Fiji became independent in 1970, after nearly a century as a British colony. Democratic rule was interrupted by two military coups in 1987, caused by concern over a government perceived as dominated by the Indian community.

    Fiji’s main island is known as Viti Levu and it is from this that the name "Fiji" is derived, through the pronunciation of their island neighbours in Tonga. Fiji islands are surrounded by magnificent coral reefs and lapped by warm azure waters - the diving and snorkelling are superb. Amid its wealth of natural beauty, Fiji's true magic lies in its people and the fascinating blend of their diverse cultures.
Fiji enjoys a typical tropical climate, with a trade wind blowing across the islands to cool things down during most of the year. Maximum summer temperatures average 88ºF (31ºC), with the winter average not far different at 84ºF (29ºC). Rain can be expected at any time of year. The driest months are April, May, June and October. The mild climate allows visitors to enjoy Fiji all year round, although it is especially popular with visitors who are leaving their own cool winter months. May to October is the best time to travel to Fiji, as this time has cooler temperatures, less rainfall and humidity and less risk of tropical cyclones.

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